A feeding shack is badly needed at a new feeding site. As you can see the photo above, when it rains they have a hard time cooking for the children. They are in severe need of a new church building. The one they have is made out of cardboard. They have over 300 children at this site and there is a great need. We need $500.00 dollars for a good cooking shack and $9,000.00 dollars to build a new church. This includes space for the pastor’s house and his family in the back of the church.
In the photos of the dump area different families need homes. They currently live in cardboards and plastic homes that are not safe for the children. You can see a model concrete house we raised the funds to build the pastors house for $4,000 dollars we could help a family with a nice concrete house safe for the children with a concrete floor we can help make the difference and will give us the opportunity wide open to share Christ love with over 200 hundred families. These people have been in this condition for over 11 years and no government or anybody has ever helped them in any way. They believe in us because of the feeding program. We help make the difference and point them up to Jesus.