Monday, October 24, 2011

Touching 1 Life at a Time For Christ

As Charles feeds this child on a trip to Nicaragua he shares the love of Jesus and reminds me of feeding my own children. I can hear my wife saying are you going to take a bite with him every time. Just like telling them about Jesus, it seemed like the right thing to do. Lots of new trips have been added to the website for 2012. Check out the dates and get your group scheduled soon. The 2012 IIM mission year is shaping up to be a busy year!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Celebration Baptist - Costa Rica Photos

Our Team's girls singing
Amazing Grace at Messenger of Hope.
Feeding program feeding

Feeding program puppet show
Mountain school craft
Charles at the end of our trip...hahaha!

Celebration Baptist - Costa Rica Photos

Sewing class for the women
of Grande de Oro
 led by women
and girls
Construction project for men and boys
on the Jones farm in mountain

Pastor Juan Johnson is starting a
new chruch school and we gave
him supplies and $$
(this is a new relationship for IIM)
Park picture with Charles
and all the kids

Four of our boys that had
a pick up game of soccer
with some neighborhood boys.
Three ladies from Special Needs organization.
We gave them supplies, clothes, and $$
They, too are a new relationship for IIM.

Celebration Baptist - Costa Rica Photos

Puppet Show

Charles at the local school program
Ladies cleaning up from
Construction Dust
Men building a sidewalk at
Messenger of Hope

Girls cleaning the pavilion
floor of IIM
More Work with the Kids